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Monday, March 27, 2017

God will come near

27  March                                            
Read James 4:1-8 and reflect on the passage.

Ah! Teenagers! Trying to figure out and discover who they are and what roles they want to play in life (in their room, of course).

As a mom, I’m always near to my teenager even when communication is less than sparse. There are times, however, when he comes out of his room to talk about “stuff.” I’m both excited and delighted, so I drop what I’m doing, sit, and listen. While it’s hard not to judge his course of thinking at times, I try to keep my mouth shut. I listen to every word he utters because I love him dearly. If he needs clarity in his thinking or a perception change, I help him with that.

What a great analogy God gives us in the parent and child relationship! Jesus is always present, watching over us, ever acknowledging us as His child. If we go to draw near, He pulls a chair up close and says, “I love you and am so delighted that we can be together in this moment. I’m here to listen and affirm my love for you!” Jesus truly waits in anticipation for us to come, that our hearts and minds may be purified.


1. Has there been a dry period in your life that was refreshed when you came near to God?

2. Over the past year, has the course of your thinking been changed by reading the Word and sitting with Jesus?


Lord, thank You for being near to me 24/7. Remind me that I need to come out of my “room” and spend time with You.

—Bonnie Webb

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