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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Jesus is a sacrifice of atonement

12 ApriL                        

Read Romans 3:22-26 and reflect on the passage.

When I worked as a teacher, one of the things that broke My heart was to observe the sorrow in students who were being disciplined. Often, through tears with a head hung low, the words would be spoken— even whispered at times—“I’ll do better next time.”

We say this as adults, after we’ve spouted off in the direction of the person who cut us off in traffic, or spewed venom at our spouse, or failed to meet a deadline at work: “I’ll do better next time.”

And the reality is, we know we will make a mess of things again. Over and over and over, we are incapable of getting things right, of being good enough or strong enough or kind enough or “together” enough (whatever that even means).

Thank God for Christ’s redeeming work on the cross! While in the Old Testament, the sins of the Israelites were placed on the scapegoat over and over so the people could be reconciled to God, Christ took on the sin of the world, once and for all, on that cross on Calvary. Thanks be to God for the redemption by Christ Jesus!


1. In what areas of life do you find yourself striving to “do better next time?”

2. What freedom is there for you in knowing that, because of Christ’s work on the cross, you are now counted as “enough?”


Lord, thank You for Your redeeming work on the cross. Thank You that I’m free from sin, and stand before You justified through Jesus’ sacrifice.

—Katie Borden

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