1 Peter 2:4-10
The confusion and shock of rejection can
be paralyzing. We withdraw to protect ourselves from harm, we resist
trusting again, we may harbor anger and resentment toward those who have hurt
us. Worse yet, we weaken our effectiveness in prayer and our intimacy with the Holy Spirit as we nurture grievances against those who have hurt us. I have learned
that with every step I take, every thought I have, I am nourishing the shadows
- or nourishing the Light.
Jesus knew the pain of
rejection within the company of his disciples and friends, (both Peter and
Judas.) He was rejected by his countrymen and his kinsmen. He was
rejected by some who had praised him as he rode into Jerusalem at Passover, later calling for his execution. Jesus committed himself to God, enduring the
rejection of those He came to serve. He
is Isaiah’s prophetic suffering servant.
As we grieve for the pain of abandonment
Jesus suffered on the cross, we rejoice at His resurrection knowing it was God's will to crush him and cause him to suffer for our
atonement. Isaiah 53:10
“See, I
lay a stone in Zion,
a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." 1 Peter 2:6
Jesus is the cornerstone of the Living Temple of God and we
his people are the living stones of the temple. We have been made alive by the
will and the power of God through the blood of Jesus.
the place called Calvary!”
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