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Sunday, December 10, 2017

Rejoice! Rejoice!

December 10                                                Second Sunday of Advent                                      
Scripture Reading
Read Jeremiah 33:10-16 and reflect on the passage.

"The days are coming," declares the Lord, "when I will fulfill the gracious promise I made to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah." In the middle of a terrible time, God reveals a future hope and new covenant to His people. Jeremiah encounters the good news of Christ 600 years before it becomes reality. They are under attack and yet there is hope? 

Yes, hope is like that – it comes in the midst of pain, or uncertainty. Hope in this passage is rooted in the action of God. Jesus will be perfectly faithful, where Israel had failed. Here we see the essence of the Gospel – God doing for us what we can't do for ourselves.

The birth of Christ is an incredible picture of God's faithfulness to us. Because God has been faithful to his promises over and over again, we can have real hope. Not a birthday wish or "Good luck with that!" empty feeling, but a solid, historically rooted hope. The prophet Jeremiah shows us that we can be real about the problems in life when we are rooted in the promises of God. We have hope because God keeps His promises!
What is your definition of hope? Is it a deeply rooted thing that assures you or a flimsy wish? When have you experienced God's faithfulness? How does that encourage you to follow God today and into the future? Give yourself some space this week to be reminded of God’s faithfulness. 

Dear God, we echo the words of Jeremiah 33:11. We give thanks to You, Lord. You are good and Your love endures forever!

Aaron Thompson and David White

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