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Monday, December 25, 2017

The Redeemer

December 25                                                                                             

Scripture Reading
Read Galatians 4:4-7 and reflect on the passage.

Merry Christmas! As you greet others or look around today, you are likely to hear and see greetings that include “peace,” “joy,” “hope,” or “love.” What you are unlikely to have mentioned in word or print are “adoption,” “redemption,” or “freedom.” No, these words are not popular greeting card sentiments or trending Christmas hashtags.

In today’s Scripture reading, Paul reminds us that through the birth of Christ our full adoption and freedom as believers was initiated. In God’s perfect timing, Jesus was born to be our Redeemer! Now, as children of God, we are no longer orphans, but full heirs with a rich inheritance.

Over the last two years, some extended family members of ours have fostered two children. These sweet children clearly sought to please their foster parents…not a bad thing, but also quite exhausting. This fall they found their forever home. I imagine their endless striving may be replaced by a blessed sense of freedom, acceptance and family.

As believers we are no longer orphans, but redeemed by Jesus! May we rest in our being Children of God and rejoice in the freedom of our Abba Father’s rich love and inheritance.

What does it mean to you to be an heir of God?
Are you living more as an orphan (endless striving and works) or as a Child of God (resting and obeying out of love)?

Lord, thanks for the birth of Jesus this Christmas and His redeeming power and freedom for us. Glory to the newborn King! Amen.

                                                                                                                                    Jessica Efird

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