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Thursday, December 28, 2017

True Light was Coming

December 28   
Scripture Reading
Read John 1:9-14 and reflect on the passage.

I have celebrated Christmas, the birth of Jesus, for many years. I knew Jesus came into the world as a child and I knew all the special events surrounding this holiday. But one thing stands out to me right now and that is the Star of Bethlehem.

Like a candle burning bright in our front windows, welcoming friends and family during the holidays, the Star, towering over the manger, is summoning all to draw near. This light served as a beacon of hope, a guiding light pulling all who could see it, to come even closer

Light is an important concept in the Old Testament. God’s first creative act was to form light out of chaos. Light describes how disciples are to live, “put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” (Romans 13:12)

Christmas is filled with examples of light: candles on the Advent wreath, lights on our Christmas trees and our houses, and luminaries which line our drives. All bring a bright and secure sense of hope, a knowledge that we are not lost. We have light for our path.  We have Jesus, the Eternal and Guiding Light.

How does the concept of Jesus as the Light of the World, impact you during this season?
Do you need more light these days? Is your path uncertain? 

Prayer: Dear Jesus, shine Your light on me and show me how best to navigate this troubled world.

Judy Webb

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