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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Retreat into Solitude

How many times have I internalized the phrase, "get over yourself?" I never realized before preparing for this sermon series, but every waking moment is filled. I never wait for someone without having something to do. If I am stuck in a doctor's office or even at the hairdressers, I never simply sit and wait. I wouldn't consider looking into space and waiting my turn. No, at the very least I will whip out my phone and open my Kindle app and read my book.

Is this selfish behavior? At first glance it appears to be a good use of spare time. Reading is good. I always make sure when I leave for an appointment or even a lunch engagement, I am prepared to fill any extra time I have if the person I am meeting is running late. I usually have a journal with me to jot a note or record an idea for my next blog post or story idea.

Last fall I lead a women's retreat on the Spiritual Discipline of Solitude. Solitude is a word we don't often consider in these fast moving times. But when we practice this Spiritual Discipline, we are blessed as we draw closer to God and learn how to listen to His words of love and guidance.

If you are like me, it seems a waste to not be doing something - all the time. I have wondered over the past few months, just how healthy it is to be constantly on the move. I know I have an obsessive personality so I must be very deliberate to avoid fanatical behavior. Sometimes that just means I need to learn how to 'go with the flow'; not try to be in control of everything around me. In other words, relax and let go, and let God.

As Rick Warren wrote in his book, A Purpose Driven Life; "It's not all about you." Wise words.

James 5:13-16

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