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Monday, August 13, 2018

Chosen and hand picked by God

"The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be is people, his treasured possession." (Deuteronomy 7:6)

One of my greatest fears in school was being overlooked. When gym class played a team sport and the captains would choose their stars, those people who would carry the team to victory, I was pretty certain I would not be one of them. Many of us remember, and still today, feel the humiliation and pain of not being good enough.

Unfortunately, we often carry our inferior mindsets into our adult world. Most of us will grow out of this feeling of never being good enough; but some don't. Praise God I am a new creation. I know my short-comings, but more important, I know my strengths and I know who created me and made me who I am today. But, it wasn't always this way. I had to be renewed and transformed into a confident follower of Jesus.

Just to know I was chosen by God, to be a Disciple of Jesus Christ, is humbling beyond words. I may not have made the volleyball team, but I have been chosen. There are several clichés I could use here, but you get the idea. Once God got my attention through Renewal (Christ Renews His Parish) about 20 years ago, everything changed for me.

Now, it is my duty to see that I tell others about being chosen. It is time I share with all those who think the rejection of man has any weight in the Kingdom of God, that being chosen by God is all that matters. The Bible is full of stories of this, let's start pointing it out regularly, especially to those who desperately need to hear.
Deuteronomy 7:6-8

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