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Friday, August 10, 2018



Where is the wise [discerning, enlightened, learned] man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish [uninformed, devoid of good sense or judgment] the wisdom of the world? [1 Cor 1: 20]

As a nurse in the Operating Room, I often had opportunities to talk with surgeons about more than medical issues. One Ophthalmologist [I’ll call him “Dr Eyemann”] was very knowledgeable about his specialty. I loved how he could explain the anatomy of the eye and the various surgical procedures used to correct problems. Dr Eyemann was an outstanding surgeon technically as well. He was also well-read about many other subjects. By all worldly measure, he had a lot of wisdom. He was worldly wise, but by God’s standard, this brilliant surgeon was foolish. Dr Eyemann loved to get into philosophical/theological discussions with staff. He would bring up many topics, often in a controversial way, because he was trying constantly to refute things that didn’t make sense to him in human terms.

This worldly-wise ophthalmologist couldn’t see the truth—he was blind to anything beyond human wisdom.

For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe [vs 21].

Thank you, Lord, that through Your “foolishness” it pleases you to save those who see and believe. And I pray for Dr Eyemann and all who rely on their own “wisdom” for understanding of your ways—open them to your wiser ways. “For the foolishness of [You] is wiser that human wisdom [vs 25a].” Amen.

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