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Thursday, November 15, 2018

THANKfull and Resilient is Living and Loving Large

A THANKfull life is a resilient life

"...our God has not forsaken us in our bondage. He has shown us kindness..." (Ezra 9:9a)

I have probably written this before, but when I am down, or in a bad place emotionally, counting blessings truly does make a difference. If nothing else it takes the focus off me and forces me to look with eyes wide open, for the good things all around.

It is easy some days to get lost in the struggles and difficulties. But, by opening my eyes I can see the silver lining in most situations. Just jotting down a few of them in my journal, right next to my complaints and moaning brings perspective.

The truth of the matter is, God is good...all the time. He loves us...all the time.  He is good when we can't pay our bills, when divorce tears a family apart, when illness bring death. He is good.

The truth we tend to believe are the lies the enemy imparts every chance he gets. "You deserve better. You're not lovable. This is as good as it gets so give up now."  Lies, every one of them. 

When I/we turn from griping about our plot in life, to gripping God's goodness and embracing His word, it all comes together. Thankfulness leads to confidence in our circumstances and provides hope for the future because it “renews our minds” and shifts our focus from lack to abundance, and from our circumstances to our Savior.

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