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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Child of Destiny

Read Isaiah 8:13-14

At first glance, this passage can be a little intimidating. "The Lord Almighty is the One you are to regard as holy; He is the One you are to fear; He is the One you are to dread. He will be a holy place; for both Israel and Judah, He will be a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. And for the people of Jerusalem He will be a trap and a snare."

Fear and dread don’t seem like words I'd use to describe God. Why would He cause people to stumble and fall? I typically don't think of Him this way, but it actually can be comforting.

A trap and a snare are comforting? Yes, we want to stumble and fall. We want God to trap and ensnare us when we're headed in the wrong direction. God is trying to keep us from evil and lead us to His goodness. He doesn’t want his people to be like those who follow the path leading to darkness. He doesn’t want us to be broken. He wants us to be whole in Him because He is our holy place.


1. What path are you on? Where is it leading?

2. When you’re headed the wrong way, do you cry out to God and ask him to stop you in your tracks?


Please, God, lay Your strong hand upon me and lead me in the right direction. When I go astray, grab me and set me back.

Jennifer Jerrome

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