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Thursday, July 18, 2019

In Good Company

I can remember stomping my way into the kitchen where my mom was making dinner and declaring, "Everybody hates me!" Sound familiar? Did you voice the same idea when you were a child? It seemed very real at the time. Of course, mom would simply tell me that it was all in my imagination. And maybe it was back then. Children often feel left out and maybe even hated when their friends seem to gang up on them.

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. (verse 18)

But, fast forward to adulthood. How does a statement like this go over now days? Have we just moved up from 'my teacher has it in for me', to, 'my boss is so demanding’? As children and then as grownups, we often feel picked on or pointed out. Jesus tells us to expect that sort of treatment.

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. (verse 19)

We have been duly warned. The same world Jesus came to redeem, turned its back on Him. They killed him. We are His, we follow Him. Do we really think we will get out of it unscathed? One day they (the people) were singing His praises, they were waving palm branches and giving a hero's welcome. Less than a week later, they crucified Him.

We, His followers, can expect unfair treatment as well. It isn't easy to proclaim our faith in Jesus, but it is worth it. The original disciples experienced persecution, and hatred. It is likely some of their family members deserted them.

My own father called me a holy roller when he learned that I loved Jesus. We should expect this treatment undeserved though it may be. Jesus and His disciples experienced it, and numerous saints were martyred because of this love. We could be too. But always remember, we are in good company.

John 15:18-21


Tom Denegre said...


Can you provide an example of a current issue that a Christian must stand for that the world will react in a negative way?


Judy Webb said...

Tom, For instance, the abortion issue and calling it a woman's right.
