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Friday, July 12, 2019

Never Alone - Never Separated

Romans 8:35-39

I think one of the greatest revelations for Christians is recognizing that you’re not alone.  Despite the craziness of this world, God is always with you and He’s always got your back.  Knowing you’ve got someone in your corner can be life-changing.

Now that doesn’t mean once we say “Yes” to God that we’ll never go through hardship or pain again, but we can stand firm in the knowledge that nothing will be able to separate us from His love.  Will our life feel crappy sometimes – no doubt!  Will the Enemy try to convince us we’ve been abandoned – no doubt!  Will God be with us through it all – no doubt!

But here’s where it gets tricky… when we make it through the tough times, we tend to think it’s because we’re tough.  That our strength is our doing and our perseverance is what made the difference.  That because we tried hard enough or had enough willpower, our enemies never stood a chance.

Verse 37 states, “we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” The key is – THROUGH HIM who loved us.  It’s because of Him we made it through.  It’s HIS strength we rely on.  Acknowledging this means surrendering control and sinful humans don’t like to do that.  But when we do, whether we’ve been a follower for 60 seconds or 60 years, it brings a freedom like no other.

So, when you feel like you’re fighting for your life, remember - you’re not alone.  God is stuck to you like superglue and nothing can separate you from His love.  May you rest in this freedom today and every day forward.

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