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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Sermon on the Mount. Will you be found guilty?

By Thomas Denegre

The district attorney is charging you with masquerading as a Christian.  Will there be enough evidence in your life to defend yourself that you are living the life Jesus mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount? (Matthew 5:1-12)

The district attorney presents his charges against you. He rattles them off.
“On the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew Chapter 5, Jesus said;
Blessed are the poor in spirit, but you say blessed are the achievers.
Blessed are those who mourn, but you say blessed are the self-fulfilled.
Blessed are the meek, but you say blessed are the powerful.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, but you say blessed are the unrestrained.
Blessed are the merciful, but you say blessed are the manipulators.
Blessed are the pure in heart, but you say blessed are the uninhibited.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, but you say blessed are the expedient.
Blessed are you who are persecuted for his sake, but you say blessed are the aggressors.”

Your accuser points his finger at you and states, “Your guilty as charged, aren’t you?”

You’re guilty and you know it.  But before the accuser could finish, your defense attorney stands up to rebut the charges. “Your honor,” said your attorney, “just as God will not judge us until we die, so shouldn’t we?”

The judge thought about it for a moment and said, “Counselor, you have a good point.  We’ll place the defendant on probation and see if there’s any evidence of being a Christian. He has one year! Court dismissed”

You stand up to shake your attorney’s hands and notice the nail imprints on them. He says to you, “Are you ready to be convicted as a Christian? More importantly as a believer, a disciple and a saint? They’re all one in the same.”

“I don’t know if I can do it,” said the defendant.

“I didn’t ask if you can do it. I asked if you are ready?”

“I guess so,” the man whimpered.

“There is no way you can do these things by yourself. It’s impossible to do. What I required man to perform on the Sermon on the Mount can only be done through me. I am the one who transforms you into a Christian; not yourself.   That’s the difference between self-righteous and being righteous, or in the right relationship with me.”

“I want you to trust me! Believe in me.  Know this one thing, before you were born, I dreamed of you and who you were going to become.  I love you.  I loved you so much that I died just for you.  When you read about me in John 15, you’ll understand there is no greater love than a love that sacrifices all and this is demonstrated when a man sacrifices his life for his friend.  You are my friend.  My dearest friend.”

“Just say the word you believe in me and open your heart to me.  Opening your heart is the game changer.  You are called to live in life union with me.  Let my words live powerfully within you and they will transform your mind and heart.  I am always with you; spirit-to-spirit.  Call on me and I will hear you, teach you, encourage you, mourn with you, and love you. Nothing will separate us.”

“It’s imperative you open your heart to me so I can pour my love into you. I will heal the wounds of your heart and empty your gunny sack of grievances.  I will set you free from yourself so you can love me, love yourself, and love others without conditions.”

“I then want you use my love to love me back.  Use my love to love others.  It will be my love that will transform you and impact others.  When you know and taste my love, you will acknowledge your weaknesses and my power.  It will be my power that will nourish and strengthen you to live a life of humility.  You’ll be able to see people as I do while understanding and comforting their suffering.  You will naturally want to follow my will and bless other people with it.  Your heart will be purified while your mind will be laser focused on the word of God.  You will no longer be double minded, but a powerful force in the world with a single-minded focus to do our Father’s will.”

“Before the foundations of this world was created, I came here for one purpose; to bring you back into the family.  It was always the plan for you to live in life union with the Father and myself. I’m here to restore you back to the Kingdom.  Just as my father and I are one and his glory rests in me, so too are you one with us.  His glory will rest in you too. Isn’t that an abundant life?”

“By being in life union with me while my word lives powerfully within you, not only will you be convicted of being a Christian, but you’ll be a light and salt to this world.  Let’s start at the beginning.  Open your heart to me and let my love pour in.”

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