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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Genesis 32:22-32

Such a curious story is the focus of today's Bible Blast.  Jacob is at a crossroads in his life:  he is meeting his estranged brother for the first time in 20 years, and he is very afraid of what will happen.  He sends his wives and children and servants cross the river Jabbok, and he spends the evening alone. 

Well, not completely alone.  In fact, he spends the entire evening - all though the night - wrestling with a man he doesn't know.  As their epic struggle goes on, Jacob refuses to quit until the man blesses him.  He eventually discovers that he has been wrestling with God!  The representative of God - the angel - changes his name from Jacob to Israel, which means 'struggles with God."

Jacob welcomes daybreak and prepares to meet his brother.  He has a limp because the angel wounded him, but he also has God's blessing.

It's hard to know what to make of this.  Jacob seems to 'win' this struggle, but does he?  He has been wounded.  But he has been blessed.  He says, with what we guess must be wonder in his voice, "I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."

Have you wrestled with God?  I have faced situations in my life that have driven me to my knees.  But I must confess that I don't have the kind of determination that Jacob had - to wrestle all night and demand a blessing!

In some ways, Jacob is a difficult person to like.  He steals his brother's blessing.  He is a striver and he can be manipulative.  But he fiercely wants to be God's man.  And he claims God's blessings.He is not content with mediocrity.

Lord, help me to be completely sold out to you.  Help me to seek your blessing above all earthly comforts.  Help me to lean on you and you alone.  Amen.  

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