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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Jehovah Jireh, our Provider

This Post written by Diane Ward 

The dry summer in Columbus with “everything thirsty” required daily refills of the bird bath and watering of summer annuals. Only the well-rooted perennials could gather ample moisture. When birds began to chatter, I knew rain was on the way. I thanked God “as the sole on-time provider of water.” Like the plants and birds, I too felt parched and thirsty. I thought of Jesus’ parable (Luke 8) of the sower and the seed teaching us to be deeply rooted in Him, so that we can be perennially drought resistant. I thought of David’s words (Psalm 42:1) As the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you my God. 

Second to our need for oxygen is our need for water. Within 3-5 days most would not survive the effects of dehydration. Nearing the end of the 40-year journey the Israelites came to the desert of Zin. Because there was no water they turned against Moses and Aaron. God told Moses, and Aaron to gather the people and to speak to the rock so that water would come forth.

God showed Moses the place and told him “I will stand before you there.” Sinai limestone is known to retain water. As the thirsty fearful crowd gathered, Moses in anger struck the rock twice with his staff. Water came forth as God had promised. Immediately after God told Moses and Aaron, they would not lead the Israelites into the Promised Land, as they had not trusted and honored Him as their sole provider.

Lord, help me to be rooted in You alone, like a tree planted by the water. You are my sole provider, Jehovah Jireh. Prepare the soil of my heart as only You can do. Guide me and satisfy my soul in drought. I want to be a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters do not fail.” Isaiah 58:10-11.

Exodus 17

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