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Saturday, October 5, 2019

What Kind of Gift Will You Bring?

Let’s use our imagination.  Suppose you are a subject in an expansive kingdom.  The Sovereign King who rules this kingdom lives in a grand palace.  The columns are made of beautiful deeply figured marble, the floors inlaid with gold and silver.  The ceilings soar high with beautiful hanging chandeliers to light every room.  The King is seated in the throne room, with his red flowing royal robe.  Atop his head is his intricately fashioned crown of gold, inlaid with large gems - sapphires, rubies and emeralds.

You enter the throne room, the guards on each side of the large doors.  You step your feet on 20-foot-long, sparkling white runner that leads up to where the King is seated across the room.  All eyes are fixed on you.  You have come to bring some sort of gift, to show honor and your highest respect. 

He is powerful, majestic and in need of nothing.  Yet you want to show him your gratitude for all he has done for the kingdom, for his Sovereign care for all the subjects of the land.  He has especially been kind and generous to you and your family, giving you a farm, fertile land on which to grow crops, animals to tend and take care of.  Everything you could want or need.

What kind of gift would you bring to such a King?  Would you go through your flocks to find the defective sheep, the blind, the lame or the injured ones to offer him?  Would you pick the brightest red apple from your orchard, eat it, and bring him the core?  

Or would you joyfully seek to bring him the best of the best of the best?? 

When Jesus walked this planet, He left His throne room for a time.  He came and lived among the injured ones, the blind, lame and defective.  As He walked our sod, He reached out His hands of compassion and healed those that were sick and maimed.  He gave His very life to restore new life to all who needed to be made whole. 

“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” 1 Peter 1:18-19

What do you want to offer as a gift back to the One who has compassion on you?  Your leftovers, the things you can’t use anymore, your cast-off items?  Or do you seek to bring the best of the best of the best?    

“But,” you say, “I know in my heart of hearts, I have nothing worthy to bring.  I know that all I am and all I have is blemished, broken, and full of defects.”

The precious Lamb of God gave Himself for you!  He did this so that you can be presented to God as His radiant bride, “without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.”  Ephesians 5:27

So, what gift can you bring?  Bring your heart, mind, body and soul, even as imperfect as they may seem.  Bring your love, your life, your service.  Seek to be more like Him and reflect who He is to the world.  Love people like He did, with an open heart and compassionate hand. 

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sister, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1

Jesus has made you whole!  He will make something eternally beautiful out of your gift!!  

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