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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Beacons of Love

They sell the innocent for silver,
and the needy for a pair of sandals.
 (Amos 2:6 NIV)

Care for the poor is a prominent theme in the Old Testament. Unfair imprisonment, a punishment for being poor, tore families apart. When Jesus came on the scene, He extended love and kindness to all, including those who struggled to make a living. His deep passion encompassed them with an extra portion of His grace and mercy. 

The evil one tried to use Judas to stop Jesus from loving the people. This disciple often claimed some funds should be put to better use, all to feather his own nest. We know how things ended for Judas.

Disregard for the poor and suffering in the time of Amos, resulted in dire consequences. It does for us too. The moral compass of that age is a factor in their demise. Our moral compass today calls the question, are we also doomed to captivity and destruction?

In truth, our moral depravity and disregard for those in need around us, has already put us in bondage. This behavior is the opposite of love -- hate. And one session on Facebook, or a segment of the evening news will confirm, hate has overtaken our society. Our rhetoric is laced with contempt and distrust and blatant ire for anyone who doesn't view things our way.

So, what is the answer? When I begin to feel depressed, all I do is look around me and count my blessings. Making a gratitude list will change my attitude. So, I believe I might counter hate in my corner of the world, by showing love. By caring about my neighbor's pain, lending a hand in support, and not push them further down.

Many in our community are showing love by lending a hand. Let us look around and join them. They are beacons of love, we can be too.

Amos 2:6-16

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