Jesus’ most definitive
teaching on serving others comes just before his death. The God of the Universe
puts on a servant’s robe and washes His disciples’ feet. Study this text
carefully and allow God’s Spirit to speak to you. Look for what this story
tells us about Jesus’ love for us, and about how we are called to love others.
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To the Very End
by Jennifer Jerrome
I love the last six words
of verse 1, “he loved them to the end.”
How beautiful! Jesus lived his
life loving those around him like they’d never been loved before. And even though we didn’t live in the world
with him, Jesus loves us to the end too.
But the end is really just
the beginning because God’s love is eternal.
Our life on earth will end, but his love never will. Hopefully, that’s of comfort to those who
worry this crazy life is all there is.
It isn’t.
God’s got plans for you,
even if, like the disciples, you don’t realize what he’s doing right now. “But later you will understand” (v. 7). It can be frustrating to look around and
wonder where you fit in. What am I
supposed to be doing? Is there a purpose
to my life? There is.
In today’s story, Jesus
washes his friends’ feet and they don’t get it. Why would he humble himself like that? How can he be Teacher, Lord AND Servant? Because that’s who HE is! He’s all these and more. And he can flow effortlessly between these
roles because there’s no boundary to his love.
Now, we can’t be
Jesus. We can’t live like he lived and
love like he loved, due to the very nature of being human. We’re going to mess things up every now and
then, but we’re not out of the game.
We’re not worthless in this world.
Our lives mean something and when we learn to channel that meaning into
love, well that’s what it’s all about.
Jesus loves us so we can
love others. We carry his example with
us. “I have set you an example that you
should do as I have done for you” (v. 15).
It may not be the actual washing of feet that we are called to but packing
lunches or holding babies or praying for the sick. The world has many ways it needs to be loved
and we can humbly do the loving because Jesus showed us the way.
Note: While writing this, I kept thinking about the
song “Jesus Loves Me.” And He loves you
Pray for faith instead
of fear. That many would come to faith in Jesus and that we would all trust God
more deeply during this time.
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