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Monday, July 27, 2020

Jonah Flees From God

Like the prodigal son, Jonah says “no” to the Father, and tries to run from God. As you study this short text, consider the enormous calling God had placed on Jonah, and the things that Jonah must have felt and thought. What made Jonah’s heart hardened toward God? Are there any ways you’ve been running from God lately?  


Click here to access the reading from Jonah 1:1-3

For more help use this Bible Study method


Running the Other Way

By Nancy Gleeson

As we think about God’s command to Jonah, we may wonder why it is that Jonah did not do what God told him. He was to go to Nineveh and cry out against its wickedness, but instead, he sailed for Tashish to flee from the Lord. Do we realize that God has asked us to do the same thing, and we don't always do what God tells US to do?

Matthew 28:19-20 commands, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Are we doing this? What is the reason for our disobedience? I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure how good I am at making disciples and baptizing them. Since given a choice, I prefer something I do well. Perhaps that is the very reason God has for stretching our growth with such a challenge.

We know God does not need our help. We understand it is not what we can do for Him but what He can do for us. And apparently, God wants to change us, specifically our issues with pride and self-righteousness.  He watches us make our own choices as we practice free will, defying His commands whenever we want. But He does not leave us to relish in the glory of our self-righteousness. Instead, he lets us face our pride (which is sin) and turn to Him for grace and mercy.

God allows opportunities for us to surrender so He can continue the work of salvation in us. He lets the choice be ours, Defiance or Obedience. What shall we choose to do the next time He challenges us? Will we strive for spiritual growth knowing God doesn’t need us, but wants us to become more like Him? Remember, in all things, God is with us, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can succeed beyond our own strength. 
God makes all things possible!


MEDICAL PERSONNEL  Pray for our doctors, nurses, and all medical professionals to have strength, wisdom, endurance and alertness.

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