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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Slave of All

July 15, 2020
Giving expensively isn’t just a matter of giving financially or materially. In this teaching, Jesus challenges us to give away our power and honor – a kind of open handedness that might even be more challenging than opening our checkbooks. As you study the text today, look for what it teaches about how we serve others by honoring them above ourselves. 

Click here to access the reading from Mark 10:35-45
For more help use this Bible Study method


But With Love
by Judy Webb
When I opened my Bible to study these words for today’s devotion, I grinned, remembering how I would often approach my mother before asking for something big. The scene would go something like this. “Mother dear, before I ask this question, I want you to promise me you will say yes.” I always used, “mother dear” when I wanted to make sure she was listening. James and John used a similar tactic with Jesus. “Teacher” they said, “we want you to do for us whatever we ask.” (Mark 10:35b)
My mother’s response usually was, “What’ll you do for me if I say yes?” Of course, I would make promises to do anything she asked. I would serve her in every way I could think of. She was wise enough to know that my request would not be anything out of the question for her to grant. It was usually a plea to have a friend sleep over, or to go to grandma’s house.
Jesus’s answer to these men, filled with love, was also wise. “You don’t know what you are asking.” (Mark 10:38) Jesus used moments like this for teaching. He explained to his followers what was ahead for Him and for them. He told them about changing the world, by changing their way of thinking. Explaining how the leadership of Rome used their power to keep the people in line. The change must come from them. “Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.” (Mark 10:43-44)
These words above which are underlined really jumped off the page at me. I do not have a servants’ heart. It is a real effort for me to deliberately serve others. Whatever the reason, this is an area I struggle with. Given the state of our country right now, I would say I am not alone. Is this an area you need to work on as well?
To serve others rather than to be served best exemplifies Jesus’ message to humanity. –Max Lucado

WEDNESDAY - Pray for wisdom in these times as we all work toward protecting lives and consider the livelihoods of millions hurt by the economic impact.

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