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Saturday, July 25, 2020

What is Truth?


Click here to access the reading from John 18:28-38

For more help use this Bible Study method


What is Truth?
by Mary McGinnis
Yesterday, my husband and I were driving out in the country on our way to pick up some “goodies” from our favorite Amish market. As we neared the turn toward our destination, we saw this devastating site.  

We soon learned that on July 2 at 5:00 am, the church building, that had been in existence since 1810, and burned completely to the ground.

The news headlines noted, “Pending investigation.” 

Many will come up with their own versions of what happened and call it the “truth.” Even as the police and fire departments do their investigations, they will have to sift through evidence to try to get to the truth. But ultimately no one will really know the truth of what happened.

During these turbulent times, we hear many voices expressing their viewpoints of what is happening in our world and why.  

Some have gotten so fed up with trying to figure out the truth, that they throw up their hands and conclude, “There is no truth! Truth is relative! Whatever is true for you, that is your truth!”

After Jesus arrest, He was brought before the Roman Official in Jerusalem, Pontius Pilate. Something haunted Pilate about this man.Jesus did not appear threatening. Unlike a revolutionary or dangerous criminal, Jesus was peaceful, calm and seemingly weak. Yet He was being vehemently accused of crimes deserving death, crimes that His accusers could not even articulate, let alone substantiate.

Why were Jesus’ own people seeking to condemn Him? What was really going on here? Pilate wanted to know the TRUTH! 

He asks Jesus, “What is Truth?”

This was the truth that was at work. It was at work then and is still at work now during these turbulent times. No matter how things look, no matter how many tragedies come, there is One who knows all and sees all. He is the creator of the universe, and the One who is still in control. 

Jesus knew that despite His accusers twisting the truth, or Pilate’s ability to find the truth, the TRUTH remained. His Kingdom was not of this world. He held to the truth of His identity as the Son of God, and His mission for which He was born. This TRUTH could never be altered. 

Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His mission is to rescue us! 

The truth is that this life is short, and when you meet the grave, it will not be the end.

As Jesus looked down from the cross, and through the ages, and saw YOU! His mission was to rescue you so you could live with Him forever. 

Prayer Practice: reflective prayer. Take time today to sit in silence and reflect on Pilate’s question, “What is truth?” Based on what you’ve read this week, how would you answer that question? What difference should that answer make in your life? 

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