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Monday, August 24, 2020

The Beast out of the Sea

As you read today about “the beast out of the sea,” remember that you are reading over the shoulders of the first readers of this letter. The specifics of the passage probably would have led the early Christians to understand this beast to be the nation of Rome (who came to them across the sea) and the emperor (who oppressed the church and demanded to be worshiped). God shows His people that, as scary as Rome seemed, Rome was just a tool of the enemy, and the enemy would be defeated. What, in our world today, might the enemy be using to draw your heart away from God?


Click here to access the reading from Revelation 13:1-10

For more help use this Bible Study method


Taking a Stand
by Nancy Gleeson

Closing in on this 2020 presidential election has most everyone concerned. Each candidate requires that we accept the good with the bad and just choose the lesser of two evils. Take note of the lesson in Revelation Chapter 13. We are not to trust the government entirely, nor view our president as a personal deliverer from all our economic, cultural, or political problems. Our hope is always in God regardless of who the world leaders may be; our worship belongs solely to God. 

God calls for His people to endure, even in the most extreme circumstances. Many consider the current state of affairs to be most extreme! God warns us about the end of times when the final government will have policy intent on making war and killing Christians. We must endure for Christ when we are persecuted, no matter what obstacles stand against us. We must be faithful to God!

Do not go in the direction of the world. Be willing to take a stand. Be holy in your conduct! No one knows when the Antichrist will appear, but we do know this ultimate world leader will be the most fascinating person in human history. He will be received in gladness and all the kings of the earth will yield their authority to him.

Brace yourself because the world will be worshiping and honoring the beast. But Christians will not, and so suffering will come. (Is that not the same principle governing now?) All these things will come to pass within the permissive will of the Almighty. The Book of Revelation calls it the "Mystery of God". The same God who cares for us now will allows our suffering.

God has this message His people:

“Whoever has ears, let them hear. 
“If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go.
If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed.”
This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.”  Rev. 13:9-10

MONDAY - MEDICAL PERSONNEL - Pray for our doctors, nurses, and all medical professionals to have strength, wisdom, endurance, and alertness.

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