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Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Fall of Babylon


Click here to access the reading from Revelation 18:1-4

For more help use this Bible Study method


How Did I Get Here?
by Mary McGinnis
Have you ever been in a place and then asked yourself, “How did I get here?”  

I am a self-proclaimed directionally challenged person. One of my greatest fears is getting lost.  

One of my recurring nightmares over the years has been being on a quest. In my dream, I am usually on foot, walking to try to find my destination. I turn in the direction I am sure shows promise of beautiful things waiting for me ahead. That turn gives way to another turn, and another and the scenery around me slowly shifts. I start to see signs that I am heading in the wrong direction, but I keep moving forward thinking, “My destination must be just around the corner.”   

The streets that once had beautiful homes and trees that surrounded me have turned into dark alleys surrounded by tall brick buildings and chain link fences. My heart races and my gaze darts around each corner, fearful of who or what is going to jump out to attack me. I panic and try to run to safety, but only find myself hopelessly lost in the maze of endless dark and dangerous streets.     

The scene to today’s reading is much the same. And so is the scenery around us in the world in which we live. Babylon is the picture of a great city. It has the promise of prosperity and beauty, yet it has become a dwelling place of demons and a haunt for every unclean spirit. Can you see glimpses of this city around you? Are you seeing the warning signs?

It might be easy to think, “I would never allow myself to go to such a place.” Or, “I would never do business with such an evil city!” But from my own personal experience, once our eyes become assimilated to the “dark,” the darkness will keep luring us farther and farther away. 

Lord, You see all and know all. Illuminate all the dark places of this world and of my life with the blazing light of Your glory! Send Your heralds to call out this great darkness.You will bring about the downfall of all evil and injustice that haunts our world. 

Thank You for reaching out Your rescuing hands to us to lead us out, even though we don’t deserve it. Guide us to place our trust into the hands that were stretched out and laid bear on the wooden beams of the cross for our sake

Prayer Practice: Pray for justice. The people of God (and heaven itself) rejoice at the fall of “Babylon the Great” because it is just. It is the act of God bringing punishment to evil and relief to His people. Today, pray for God’s justice. Cry out on behalf of the oppressed. Pray for an end to all forms of violence, unfairness, and cruelty.

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