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Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Three Angels

The announcements of the three angels in this passage communicate a few important things. First, that the good news of God’s saving work is for all people. Second, that the beasts and the dragon will be defeated. And third, that God’s people must continue to resist idolatry and worship God alone, even in the face of incredible suffering. This message would have been particularly important for the early church as it suffered under Roman oppression. But what do these messages mean for you today? What is God revealing to you through this triumphant announcement?  


Click here to access the reading from Revelation 14:6-13

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The Three Angels
by Kelsey Bacon

There seems to be a lot of information packed into a few verses here in this passage, another set of events moving us further along in the saga that is Revelation. There are a few things that jumped out to me as important, so let's dive into those and open our hearts to what God might be teaching us here and now.

First is the phrase "the eternal gospel." Note that it is used when describing the inclusion of all people into God's family--every nation, tribe, language, and people. The gospel, the story of Jesus, is forever. Just as Jesus was and is and is to come, so is his story and the saving power of his grace. And it is available to all people, always. As you contemplate the concept of the eternal gospel, ask God, "how can I include my neighbors, others who don't know you, in the eternal gospel?" Take a moment to listen to him and pray right now.

The second important thing I saw in this passage was, "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great." As we have seen, Babylon can represent all kinds of evil, particularly the oppressive Roman empire. But when I read this, I have hope, because it is fallen. It is past tense. Jesus has already defeated death, has already won the victory! Our oppressors, our enemies, have already fallen. Whatever fight they fight now is in vain. Jesus has the victory! Take a moment right now to pray and thank God for his eternal victory over death and evil.

Third, I noticed that those who follow the beast are marked by the beast just as followers of Jesus are marked by Jesus. That is the belonging the beast's followers chose, and they have eternal suffering to show for it. Verse 11 says, "There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image." It might be easy for us to say no to outright evil, but what images and idols might we be tempted to worship that are in our world? Take a moment right now to pray and ask God to bring to your mind the idols that distract you from God and ask for his help to guide your heart back to him.

Lastly, we see a few verses at the end speaking of those who followed the Lord. Verse 13 says, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord...they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them." I love this quote from my study Bible that helps to explain this verse: "While it is true that money, fame, and belongings can't be taken with us from this life, God's people can produce fruit that survives even death. God will remember our love, kindness, and faithfulness, and those who accept Christ through our witness will join us in the new earth."

The labor we are called to first and foremost on this earth is to love God and our neighbors with our whole selves, and although we might become weary on this earth, we continue to labor knowing that in heaven, we rest with the Lord Almighty, who looks upon us with favor. Take a moment right now to pray and ask God how he wants you to labor for him right now, this week, and spend some time listening.

Pray for scientists all over the world seeking antidotes to heal the world of this virus. Pray they would be triumphant quickly.

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