The story of the tower of
Babel gives readers a context for the emergence of nations and tribes. This
becomes critical to the salvation story of the Bible, as in Gen. 12 God calls
one man, and his descendants to be His people. God makes an incredible promise
to this man and places a high demand on Him as well. The fulfillment of the
promise that God makes to Abram will ultimately come to pass – not because of
Abram’s perfect faithfulness, but because of the work of Jesus, who will come
from the line of Abram. In Gen. 12 God is laying the foundation of what He will
do to bring hope and salvation to the whole world!
Click here to access the reading from Genesis12:1-9
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God Calls Abram
By Jeff Morlock
Abram means “father” and Abraham “father of many.” That’s key, because Genesis 11 describes the human race as so wicked as to have reached a dead end. One ray of hope is Seth’s family, who alone “called on the name of the Lord” (see Genesis 4). But Abram and his Father, Terah, whose name means “moon”, are the end of the line, in more ways than one.
Their home in
Ur of the Chaldeans is the center of lunar worship. And their family, which was
to preserve the worship of Yahweh, has become pagan, like their neighbors.
Furthermore, Abram’s wife Sarai is barren, which means it’s literally the end
of the line spiritually and physically for God’s people…. until the Lord
God calls Abram away from his clan and away from the worship of created things,
which will always let you down, because they can’t deliver what they promise.
Note that Abram is unfaithful and idolatrous when God calls him, a reminder for
you and me that we’re NOT called by God because we’re qualified. We’re
qualified because we’re called! God’s invitation always opens a door to new
life and transformation!
Abram’s family had come halfway to the promised land and then stopped. Now God
calls Abram to leave and press on. But, says the Lord, “I won’t tell you where
you’re headed.” If you knew ahead of time what God would require of you and
exactly what it would entail, then you wouldn’t be answering a call. You’d be
staying in charge of your own life.
Of all God’s promises to Abram, the most important is a son, the seed of a
family tree through which Christ Jesus would be born to save all humanity.
Jesus is the true and better Abraham. He too, left the comfort of His Father’s
home, and by his obedience opened the way to forgiveness and the promised land
of the heaven. We who believe are “Abraham’s sons” and heirs of all that God
has promised. Like Abraham, we answer God’s call by having faith in what we
cannot see. What is God calling you away from today? What is he asking you to
leave behind? And what is he calling you toward? Will you remain in what is
familiar, but empty - or step out in faith?
Prayer: Father, empower me and all your people to live with the bold, daring
faith of Abram. Make us unafraid to call on your name in a culture that does
not know you. Guard us from distractions and from the temptation to settle down
in comfortable places before we reach the destination to which you call us. In
Jesus’ name. Amen.
FAITH - Pray for faith instead of fear, that many would come to faith in Jesus and that we would all trust God more deeply during this time.
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