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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

God's Covenant with Noah

In today’s reading, God makes a promise to Noah, to Noah’s descendants (all human beings) and to all of creation – He will not destroy all of the earth. God also re-iterates (twice) His expectations of His people – they are to be fruitful and multiply. They were to join Him in bringing about life and creating a flourishing world. And they were warned to not fall into the same sin of violence that we read about in chapters 4 and 6. What do you learn about the character and intentions of God through this promise He makes to Noah?  

Study the Scripture

Click here to read from Genesis 9:1-17

For more help use this Bible Study method


Rainbow Promises
by Judy Webb

 In this chapter of Genesis, God gives two instructions: (1) Be fruitful (2) multiply and create a flourishing world. 

"Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you...Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. (Genesis 9:3)

Be Fruitful - We regard in differing ways. We each possess a unique lens through which we view a severe weather event. For some, the lightning flashes and thunderous booms are soothing and represent in a dynamic manner, the power of our God. We feel safe, knowing these storms are part of nature and generally will not harm us.

Others dread these loud summer storms. Maybe because of how or where we resided. Different parts of the country are known for different types of weather. Wind and rain in the Midwest are often a welcome part of the growing season. They provide water for the crops which provide food. These same storms, coming at harvest time can be a devastation, ushering in damaging winds, hail and downpours which destroy entire fields.

"I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being. "Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind. (Genesis 9:6)

Multiply and Create a Flourishing World - Storms are often used as a metaphor to our lives. The brutal weather patterns of nature pale when compared to the vicious practices we humans inflict on each other, or on those innocent and unable to defend. The abominable practice of abortion is one example. "I will demand an accounting..." 

God promised never again to destroy the earth with a flood. Instead He provided a rainbow in the clouds.

When I reflect on seasons in life when, tossed about, drowning in pain or grief, one thing was certain, God was in control. Aware of my own actions which often caused the storm, I understood His forgiving nature and amazing grace would guide me through. He calms every sea we sail and provides a reminder of His covenant by a rainbow in the sky. 

WEDNESDAY WISDOM – Pray for wisdom in these times as we all work toward protecting lives and consider the livelihoods of millions hurt by the economic impact.

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