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Thursday, October 1, 2020

Jacob and Esau

The story of Jacob and Esau is thematically significant for the book of Genesis. Just like the story of Cane and Able before it, this story features tension amongst brothers. In ancient cultures, the power and privilege of the first-born son was very significant. But in this story (and in many others in Genesis) it is the younger son who is blessed. God loves to use unexpected and weaker people to accomplish His work, and the story of Jacob and Esau is a signature example of this nature of our God. 


Click here to access the reading from
Genesis 25:19-43


For more help use this Bible Study method




Our Plan Not Always God's Plan

by Kelsey Bacon

God works in unexpected ways. Although this story does at first seem like just some bad blood between brothers, it is fascinating to think about the ways that God defies societal norms by choosing the least chosen to carry out his plans. He chose Jacob, the younger brother, to carry on a nation. He chose David, the youngest and most forgettable of his brothers to be king. And he chose to come to earth as a baby and walk on earth as a humble servant, rather than the rightful ruler that he is. God works in unexpected ways.

Have you ever found yourself planning out your life, only to be thwarted by God's true plan? It's kind of funny how often that happens. We humans love to be in control--we want to know what's going to happen to us and how we're going to get there, and so we devise our own plans for our lives. And dreams are good and beautiful, and often inspired by God! But how often are our dreams just that? Our dreams. Things we've thought up for ourselves and not bothered to get the Lord's input on. I know I have definitely fallen victim to this in my life, in small ways and in big ways. I spent six years convinced that one thing was God's plan for my life, and when it ended up to be something different, I was completely thrown off. That's when I realized that it wasn't really God's plan I was working off of, but my own plan that I'd been calling God's for all those years.

God works in unexpected ways. He surprises us, shows up in ways we aren't expecting or waiting for. He did this to the ancient Israelites all the time, and he does it to us still today. As you go throughout your week, ask God to open your mind to what he has for you, to not be blind to his work, to accept his will no matter what it is. Because I guarantee it's better than anything you could come up with on your own! 




Pray for scientists all over the world seeking antidotes to heal the world of this virus. Pray they would be triumphant quickly.

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