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Monday, October 5, 2020

The Israelites Oppressed

While the Israelites had initially come to Egypt for deliverance from famine, they now have fallen into slavery at the hands of a new Pharaoh. Making matters even worse, the Pharaoh begins to use violence against the children of Israel. God knew this moment was coming, but the people did not. And they cry out in response to their suffering, looking for the Waymaker to come again bring salvation to His people once again.


Click here to access the reading from Exodus 1:6-22


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Midwives Ignore Pharaoh

By Diane Ward

Parents innately know and discern the cries of their children. I have cried out to my Father many times. In the greatest despair and grief his help was immediate. Our Father discerns our cries for help, forgiveness, healing, and deliverance. He brings us out of darkness and fear, into light and safety and we are free to be happy and whole. Our prayer is heard!

Nearly 300 years have passed since the death of Joseph. The Hebrews children are now a slave nation under a new pharaoh, their former privileged status is gone. God told Abraham the Israelites would be in bondage and would leave Egypt. Joseph said “when you leave, take my bones along. I don’t want to be left behind.” (Genesis 15:13-14)

The new pharaoh’s aggressive project schedule for building cities and pyramids was dependent on the alien Hebrews. Pharaoh feared their increasing population. His solution was genocidal as he commanded Hebrew midwives to throw all baby boys into the Nile at birth. He expected them to obey his command, and they did not!  They cried out to God fearing him more than Pharaoh. God’s faithfulness was in motion as a baby hidden in the bull rushes of the Nile was to become his appointed one to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Wandering in the dessert 40 years, looking for a place to call home there would be many more cries to God for help.

World-wide travelers continue to wander looking for a home. God commanded Israel not to oppress the traveler, reminding his people of their own historic experience of oppression. We too are wandering through life to our eternal city. The book of Exodus is a reminder for us to be just and compassionate to travelers as we are all resident aliens on earth and citizens of heaven. (Philippians 3:20)

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” (Hebrews 13:2)


Mondays - HUMILITY: Soften our hearts to one another. Give us eyes to see our common humanity, each of us and all of us created in your image, and give us the gift of empathy, to care deeply about one another.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A wonderful story of God's deliverance & His promise