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Monday, October 19, 2020

The Lord Calls Samuel

This story uses repetition and contrast to build tension, and to highlight the importance of Samuel’s calling. Samuel’s famous prayer, “speak, your servant is listening” is a great model of humble faith. Through Samuel’s humility, God chooses to work, and in verse 21, we learn that God is no longer “rare” in the nation (as he’d been in verse 1) but instead “continued to appear.” As you read, reflect on the spiritual power of a willing servant.  


Click here to access the reading from 1Samuel 3:1-21 

For more help use this Bible Study method


by Andrea Taphorn

This is a story I remember reading as a young child with an Arch Book.  A young boy hears God speak in a time when God appeared all but silent to his beloved chosen people. A young child is called by God and listens. This is an important part of this story for sure, but I’m not so sure that the cartoon depictions in that storybook share the painful message this story brings with it.

The Lord calls Samuel three times in the night and then tells Samuel devastating and destructive news about his mentor and spiritual father, Eli and Eli's descendants. This news from God is not news that anyone would want to hear and relay to the person who had essentially raised you.  

Samuel may be a young child, but that is brought to an abrupt end in this moment. Childhood ends and the mantle of adulthood is given as Samuel hears God’s word and has the responsibility to share it, every painful detail. Samuel becomes the leader to both Eli and to Israel. And this had to have been a great grief to Samuel as this transfer of power is put upon Samuel in a way that I don’t think anyone would ask for. 

It seems that God is doing something new with Israel. In the previous chapter (1 Samuel 2:6) we see, “The Lord brings death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up.” God kills and recreates.  He seems to be doing this with the priestly line of Israel and in doing so, is rebirthing Israel through his word. Samuel has the word of the Lord given to him. All of Israel knows this, and now even Eli is dependent upon Samuel to hear from God.

Here is a story of one young man now being handed power and authority and a new mantle of leadership. The other side of this story is an old man, now looking back with both faithfulness and large regrets. As Eli hears this word and receives judgment and loss of power, Samuel hears it, confesses it, and is given power and authority.

I found Eli’s confession upon hearing this news of judgement from God, a confession of a sinner, but also a confession of a child of God. Eli says, “it is the Lord, let him do what seems good to him.” The killing word of judgement given to Eli from God seems to work in Eli new life and faith. He receives this news and still names God, Lord. Regardless of Eli’s track record, I find this confession a beautiful testimony of faith. Eli still believes his life is best rested in God’s hands.   

New beginnings mean painful endings here. We see the calling and beginning of new leadership for Israel in Samuel. We see the resignation of an old, on your way out the door leader, Eli.  I wonder though, if the main detail here is that we have a God who has a word to give? May our ears be tuned to hear it, for we know in Christ that even the painful killing word is not one to flee from, for that killing word kills our sin and in doing so turns around and recreates, and hands us mercy and life. This is true no matter what stage of life: beginning, middle or end. May our prayer be at every stage of life, “speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”


HUMILITY - Soften our hearts to one another. Give us eyes to see our common humanity, each of us and all of us created in your image, and give us the gift of empathy, to care deeply about one another.

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