In the final plague, God brings severe judgement against Egypt. He also provides deliverance for His people. The Passover becomes a significant event in the history of Israel all the way through the time of Jesus. Jesus re-interprets the Passover, pointing to Himself as the sacrificial lamb which protects us from the wrath of God. Thanks be to God for His mercy and deliverance!”
Study the Scripture
Read in Exodus
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Delivering Bad News
by Mary McGinnis
This past week I received some bad news. I have breast cancer. The annual mammogram I had in mid-September showed some abnormalities. That was followed by multiple additional test; mammograms, ultrasounds and two biopsies.
Sin is just like cancer. If
it goes undetected, or we ignore its diagnosis, it continues to grow and leads
to death. “For the wages of sin is death
. . .” Romans 6:23a.
In today’s reading, we find God’s people enslaved in Egypt. God appointed Moses as their deliverer, confronting
the Egyptian King Pharaoh who held them captive.
Just like diagnostic medical tests, God’s plan of attack was to expose
the dangerous cancer in the heart of King Pharaoh through a series of 10 plagues. Each plague was meant to reveal the malignant
nature of trusting in gods that are not the Only True God, the Lord, Yahweh!
“For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.” Romans 14:23b
The final plague, the death of the firstborn of all of Egypt, and
ultimately the son of Pharaoh, was a crushing blow. But Pharaoh still refused to heed God’s
warnings. He was given a diagnosis, but
hard heartedly, kept ignoring the truth.
Does this seem extreme or harsh to you? When my surgeon cuts me open and extracts the cancer from my body, it will be harsh. But it must be done! Healing cannot take place if we do not admit there is a problem and submit to the Master Physician’s diagnosis and treatment.
Romans 6:23 again says, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift
of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
God provided a way out for God’s people from the slavery of Egypt and
from the devastation of the plague of the firstborn. They had to turn their hearts to the Only
True God and trust in the blood of the lamb sacrificed for them! God sacrificed His firstborn, His only Son,
for our sake, to deliver us from eternal death.
“You were ransomed from
the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things
such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a
lamb without blemish or spot.” 1 Peter
Confession - Prayer Practice: Spend
time reflecting on the weight and seriousness of sin. Thank God for His
provision – for the salvation He offers His people. Confess your sin and
receive His forgiveness and mercy.
Praying for your healing, Mary. God Bless You
Praying for you! Healing and comfort. Please let us know what we can do for you
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