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Monday, October 12, 2020

The Ten Commandments

In today’s very famous reading, God reveals to His people the distinctive way He wants them to live. He gives them 10 commandments to guide their relationships – with one another and with Him. This law will set them apart as a peculiar people, devoted to the God who led them out of Egypt. It will also expose their need for a savior who can take away the curse that comes when these commandments are broken.



Click here to access the reading from Exodus 20:1-21

For more help use this Bible Study method




We Have a Problem, God Is the Solution

by Nancy Gleeson

God’s commandments are not a To Do List. His objective is not to have His people become even more rigid and focused on following the law. The point He is making with setting these standards is that it is impossible to be without sin. When we consider all that goes into obedience to the law, we realize that every human being falls short. Breaking any of the ten commandments separates us from God because God is righteous, and we are not.

However, God does not want us to remain apart from Him. Once we realize we have a problem with sin, He wants us to accept His solution; His gift of a Savior who shed his own blood for our salvation. The magnitude of all sin appears to be the same from God's perspective (no such thing as a little bitty sin), and in the same way God sees only Jesus’ blood when He views sinners who follow Christ. (no one better than the next).

We cannot earn God’s favor. We do not work for God's mercy. His grace and love are bestowed upon us when we acknowledge our sin. The Law is a call to Jesus. We can look to the law to show our sin, and we can look to God who saves us from it!

“Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.” Romans 3:20


MONDAY - MEDICAL PERSONNEL - Pray for our doctors, nurses, and all medical professionals to have strength, wisdom, endurance, and alertness.

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