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Sunday, November 1, 2020

All Saints

Sermon Theme: “God’s power and promises are greater even than death. We have hope in the face of death, and encouragement as we grieve the loss of loved ones, because Jesus has overcome the grave.”

Reading Theme: “This week we will continue our journey into exile with the people of Israel, reading from the prophet Isaiah. Removed from their land, far from the temple, and facing an uncertain future, Isaiah reminds the people that God is faithful, and that He will make a way through a savior that He will send.”


Click here to access the reading from Isaiah 25:6-9

For more help use this Bible Study method

You will find the Sermon Notes for today’s message here.


A Feast For the Ages

by Elaine Pierce

What a beautiful picture these four verses create: a rich feast of the best foods and drink, set atop a mountain. Death swallowed up forever. Tears wiped away from our eyes. A feast of celebration, of joy, of thanks to our God who has done marvelous things."

What a great day this will be! When death is swallowed up forever. I wonder if John had these verses in mind when he wrote this in Revelation 19:9 and 21:4:

"Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!"

"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

Several years ago, my daughter and I flew to Italy to attend the wedding of a dear friend she had met while studying abroad. Francesca's wedding was incredible. I don't speak Italian, but the pageantry and beauty transcended language. The wedding feast following the ceremony was unlike any I had been to before: tuxedo-clad waiters with white gloves entered the banquet hall with a flourish, carrying covered platters of fish, meat, cheeses, pastas - you name it, they served it. The tables were decorated beautifully, and the wine flowed freely. We were swept up in the beauty and joy of the event, and I will never forget it.

But this feast that Isaiah describes will make my Italian wedding memories pale in comparison. And, while weddings are important sacraments in our lives, this feast that the LORD will prepare for us will result in an unending celebration of his love, his justice, and his righteousness. And we will be surrounded by our loved ones who are already in heaven - what a glorious feast day that will be. And, my friends, the party will never end. The food will never run out. And the dancing, the merriment, will be beyond comprehension.

Read the first 6 verses of Isaiah 25 for more context, and, along with Isaiah and our ancestors, exalt the LORD and praise his name, for in perfect faithfulness he has done marvelous things!  


SUNDAYPEACE - Blessed are the Shalom-makers, for they shall be called the children of God. We confess that we have all sinned and fallen short of your glory, O God. We have broken the peace and wholeness of your good world. Forgive us, lead us, and restore us. Reform us into peacemakers instead of peace-breakers.

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