Sunday's Text
Luke 13:1-9 Lament over Jerusalem
Sunday Recap of the week... by Elaine Pierce
Reflections on Luke 3 - Luke 5:11.
Thank you for taking time on Sunday to read this blog. I so appreciate the encouragement I have received from many of you. What a privilege it is to take this faith journey together. This past week, the Daily Worship Blog readings started us off on Monday in Luke 3, and yesterday we read through Luke 5:11. Here's what happened:
- John the Baptist began his ministry
- John the Baptist baptized Jesus
- John was thrown into prison by Herod
- Luke includes the genealogy of Jesus, and he goes all the way back to Adam (for his non-Jewish readers)
- Jesus is tempted by Satan
- Jesus reads from the scriptures in the synagogue; the hometown crowd initially welcomes him but quickly turns on him when he challenges their belief that only Jews can be chosen.
- Jesus performs many healings, both physical and spiritual (evil spirits)
- Jesus shows fishermen how to catch fish, and he calls his first disciples.
So, yes, there is a lot going on in these three chapters. As Jesus began his ministry, what do you notice? In Luke 4:1, these words jump off the page:
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit.....
Jesus was not acting on his own. He knew scripture inside and out. He took time for prayer and study. He knew his father. He was full of the Holy Spirit. Everything he did - his baptism, reading in the temple, every miracle, choosing his disciples - was directed by his Father.
I have a friend (hi Lori Borden!) who told me that the first thing she says to herself when she wakes up every day is this:
I am a beloved daughter of the King, in whom He is well pleased. And I live in the unshakable Kingdom of God.
We don't get what we deserve, do we? That would be eternal damnation. Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we are indeed beloved sons and daughters of the King. Thanks be to God for this truth. Lord, help us this week to allow that truth to sink deeply into our lives, and to make us more like you. Day by day, allow us to be transformed so that we can reach out to others in your name, not for our sakes. In your precious name we pray, Amen.
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