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Friday, March 12, 2021

Consult God in All Things


Spoken Prayer – Out loud, pray for God to speak to you through your reading. Praise God for giving us His word. Ask the Spirit to help you read with faith, and to live out what you hear from God through the passage.


Luke 12:10-57


Consult God in All Things

by Jennifer Jerrome

Normally with this passage I would be drawn to verses 22-34 which talk about worry and how it gets you nowhere. Unfortunately, I’ve spent many an hour worrying, which just as Luke proffers, has added zero time to my life. There’s much to be said about setting aside fear and seeking his kingdom, but today my focus is on other verses.

19 And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years.  Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”

20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool. This very night your life will be demanded from you.’

Uh oh!!

Sometimes the decisions we make are way off base. What we think is the right thing to do verses what God knows is right are often two different things. Asking for his guidance is always a good idea, no matter if the decision is big or small (in our eyes).

Proverbs 3:6, “In all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.”

Consulting God and listening for his answers puts us in relationship with him. The more time we spend with him, the more we get to know him. And the more we get to know him, the more we can anticipate the next right step and the better prepared we’ll be to make wise decisions.

38 It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready.”  The servant who knows the master’s will and gets ready for it will be rewarded.

It’s like learning anything new, the more you practice, the more progress you’ll make.  Getting to know God, spending time with him and studying his Word will better prepare us for what life has in store.

Consider:  When we learn to consult our Father in any decisions, no matter how big or small, the less worry we’ll endure, which sounds great to me and my anxious mind.


Robin Lorms said...


Thank you for today's blog. You bring up a topic that sometimes is very convicting in my life. Making decisions and then wondering if I actually consulted God in the process. How many times I haven't!
Of course, I don't think He expects us to seek His Counsel in the routine small daily decisions e.g. should I call or email my dentist for my next appointment. But, since He is Omnipotent and Omnipresent, maybe we should heed your advice and remind ourselves that His is an ever-present influence in all we do and say. How subtle I can be when making decisions that I know He wants me to bring to Him. I just ignore the process and go forward when I think the outcome will likely benefit me. You are correct in the impact such decision making has on one's relationship with the Father. These decisions don't allow for the intimacy He desires and wants us to share in as well.

Thank you. You have given me food for thought on coming closer to Him in making wise, Godly choices.

Have a blessed day.

Robin Lorms

Jennifer Jerrome said...

Thank you Robin. I find my anxiety really kicks in when I minimize God's influence. I second guess MY decisions and worry about outcomes. Im working on acknowledging his presence and recognizing his hand in even the "little" things. Blessings during this Lenten season of learning!