Prayer Journal –
To begin your daily worship today, grab a pen and paper and write out a prayer
to God. Not sure what to write? Try using ACTS to frame your prayer. Begin with
adoration for who God is. Then move on to confession – being real about where
you have fallen short in the last day or two. Give thanks to God for all that
He gives (including forgiveness for the sin you just confessed!). And then
finish with supplication – with your prayer requests to God. When you are done,
tuck this away somewhere (so you can read it later and see how God has answered
your prayers) and then move into hearing from God through His Word.
Ripe for the Picking
by Judy Webb
Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.” (Luke 17:20-21)
In your midst meaning, inside you, and I know that as a Christian I have Jesus in my heart, and in my midst. We can sense His Holy Presence when we are reading scripture, praying and even when we are in the midst of trouble; especially when in the midst of trouble.
The second coming of Jesus is a topic that many Christians talk about at various junctures in time. I often think about that day but it is a good thought, not a scary one. There was a time I was afraid I would not recognize what was happening. But after studying scripture I am relieved to know that there will be absolutely no doubt when that day comes. "Every knee will bow." Every knee, believer and unbeliever alike, will recognize Jesus.
There are days when I long to see Jesus appear in this manner, and other days I realize there is still a harvest to gather. There are still fields to work and hearts to revive. It seems to this writer, there is still much to do before Jesus returns, but even if it were tomorrow, there is still time to do His work.
Dear Jesus, Fill me with the desire to reach out to those who don't know of your love and your grace. Enable me to share the good news, to use my testimony as a way to show how good you are to such a sinful person as I. Amen
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