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Saturday, April 3, 2021


Prayer Practice

Lectio – Read today’s passage through once. Then spend some time praying and asking God to show you what you need to pay attention to in the text. Read it again. Now ask God to help you see what this text, and the part that has stood out, may mean for you. Don’t expect to get a clear word every time but always be ready to really hear from God through His Word.



Luke 24:1-15


The Word that Breathes Life

by Mary McGinnis

Have you ever been told something, but at the time the full weight of what was being said did not sink in? Have you ever said to someone, maybe a spouse or a child, “I think my words are going in one ear and out the other?” Or maybe you have heard someone tell you, “I told you so!” 

Many times, we as human beings do not always grasp what is being told to us. Sometimes it takes things being repeated multiple times, or in a different context of circumstances for things to really sink in.

Picture the scene. The women who days before had witnessed Jesus’ brutal death on the cross. They had also spotted where and how hurriedly His body had been laid to rest. Still in a stupor of grief, after the Sabbath has passed, they were determined to rise early, and honor their Master by anointing His dead, broken and lifeless body in the appropriate fashion.  Only one problem, there was no possible way they, by themselves, could hope to move the massive stone away from the entrance of the tomb. But, this did not dissuade them. 

When they arrived at the tomb, they surprisingly found the stone rolled away.  The verse says, “While they wondered about this . . .”   

Their grief from Friday suddenly shifted to perplexity, feeling the devastating weight of this moment of anguish. Can you imagine their thoughts?  “We watched with our own eyes, our beloved Jesus suffer and die. Now what? Has His tomb now been robbed, defaced, vandalized, or worse, His body stolen?”  

Two angels appear to them in dazzling white robes, and say, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen!”  

The angels seem surprised by the women’s reaction. The angels themselves has been witnesses to all the things Jesus and said and done while He walked the earth.  Why would these women be looking for Jesus among the dead? 

So, the angels reminded them.

“Remember how He told you, while He was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’”

"Then they remembered His words." These words had been spoken to them, uttered by their living and breathing Messiah (on more than one occasion).

These words of Jesus were once words they could not comprehend. When they had first been uttered, they could not wrap their minds around them. They had no context in which to comprehend the concept of Jesus being “raised again!” 

Now, in this moment, the magnitude of the angels’ words came alive!  

“He is not here! He is Risen!” And it changed everything!

How about you? I am sure you have heard the story of the resurrection of Jesus many, many times in your life. Is it sinking into the depths of your soul? Have you come to place where the words, “He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed” is taking on new meaning in your life?  Is it breathing new hope into the impossible situations you face?  Is it helping you to see that even when all seems lost, Jesus rose! 

When you are fearful, doubting or on the brink of despair, bring back to mind the life-giving words of Jesus, “I am the resurrection and life!  No one comes to the Father, except through Me!” And “Because I live, you will life also!” 

On this Holy Saturday, that day after Good Friday, remember He paid the final price for YOU!  

And  Resurrection Sunday is on the way! 


Robin Lorms said...

Good morning, Mary.

I very much related to your blog today-especially the part about not getting the picture the first time we hear something. The more context the better. How many times have I read the Scriptures and found out some truth that I didn't see before or pray over a verse and receive revelation unknown to me on a previous occasion. So your commentary convicts me as I say to myself, "Come on ladies, wake up! Don't you remember what Jesus said"? I need more patience with those who don't "get it" when it seems obvious to me they should. Thank God for His grace with my slowness to listen, hear and discern some truth.

When reading your closing line about Resurrection Sunday is on the way, I am reminded of what Tony Campola said at a Columbus prayer breakfast when referring to Holy Week, " Its Friday but Sunday is a comin'....

Happy Easter to you and your family. Thank you and all the team for your faithfulness in writing these wonderful blogs. They bless me in many ways.

Robin Lorms

Mary McGinnis said...

Thank you! I hope you had a blessed Easter!