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Thursday, May 20, 2021

One Body, Many Parts

Prayer Practice

Breath Prayer – Take 2-3 minutes today to pray a simple breath prayer. Get somewhere quiet and relaxing. Breathe in deeply, and then breathe out fully. As you breathe in, ask God to fill you with His presence, grace, love, peace, etc. Consider using the list of spiritual fruit in Galatians 5:22-23. As you breathe out, offer to God the things you need Him to take from you – sin, doubt, shame, anxiety, fear, etc. Pray this way for just a few minutes, trusting God to work, and then begin reading today’s Scripture.


1 Corinthians 12:12-20


We Belong

 by Kelsey Bacon

I have always loved this imagery of the Church, to think that it works like one giant human body, each part functioning like a well-oiled machine, doing its part for the Kingdom. But the longer I've been a part of the Church, the more and more I've seen how broken it can be. It is a place full of sinners, after all, and sinners will always fall short of the glory of God. What happens to the body when a part doesn't function the way it's supposed to? Or when the eye tries to do with the foot is meant to do? Or when the mouth betrays the body? God's intention in this passage is clear and beautiful, but as we know from reality, the Church does not live up to God's intention.

That is why I think this passage is so important. Even though we can never be a perfect Church, God guides us to know more about who he has called us to be. This passage, this whole chapter in fact, allows us to explore our gifts and talents, our place in the church, and shows us our belonging. Jesus died and rose again so that all people would be able to live freely in his Church body, and be able to find a home in him. Because of our status as saved, we are given a new identity as not only children of God, but as a part in the body of Christ. We belong. And in a world with so much division, so much loneliness, depression, anxiety, and fear, that belonging is invaluable.

Pray today: Pray for the Church. Pray for the Church close to home and the Church around the world. Pray for those in other countries who suffer at the hands of others for their faith in Jesus. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come and renew his people. Reflect in your own heart on your sense of belonging. Do you feel like you belong? Or do you feel like you're on the outside? Ask God to guide you deeper into faith community, and to instill in you your sense of belonging not just to the Church body, but to Him.

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