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Friday, June 25, 2021

Slaves and Masters


Ephesians 6:5-9


The Spirit Transforms Perspectives and Relationships

by Pastor Jeff Morlock

It’s not surprising that Christians led the fight against slavery in the early nineteenth century, or that Christians still lead the fight against human trafficking today. What’s surprising is that, instead of encouraging Ephesian slaves to throw off their chains, Paul tells them to submit to their masters out of reverence for Christ. Still, these verses are dripping with grace and truth, for Paul also told masters to submit to their slaves out of reverence for their true Master. Paul couldn’t change the culture of slavery overnight, and many slaves who gained freedom against their master’s often lived harder lives of poverty, struggling to feed and clothe their families.

Rather than short-change the Ephesian slaves with promises of superficial liberty, then, Paul teaches them to be truly free, regardless of their circumstances. Only the Gospel can release those in bondage to sin from their chains, no matter their station or status.

So… are you free? Is the Gospel transforming your work and family relationships, even when they are difficult? Or are they the same as a year ago? Each day you have tasks to accomplish and people to interact with. And the way you engage these duties and relationships is as much act of worship as the way you pray, and praise on Sundays. Daily worship involves seeing God’s purpose in the labor we are called to do and God’s image in those we whom we are called to live with in mutual submission.

Eventually, people who saw the godly character of Christian slaves and masters, began to take the gospel seriously. When Paul argued that the slave trade was evil
(1 Timothy 1:10), that slaves should gain their freedom if they could (1 Corinthians 7:21), that masters ought to view their slaves as equals (Ephesian 6:9)), and that they ought to set them free at the proper time (Philemon 16), people began to listen. Life in the Spirit transforms our perspectives and relationships. How is the Spirit doing this work in your life this week?

Holy Spirit, come make us new. Let our daily work be done for you and your glory. Grant us grace to consider others better than ourselves, to serve and to be served, and to submit to one another out of reverence for Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen.


Read today’s passage and reflection. Then spend some time praying and asking God to show you what you need to pay attention to in the text. Read it again. Now ask God to help you see what this text, and the part that has stood out, may mean for you. Don’t expect to get a clear word every time but always be ready to really hear from God through His Word.

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