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Sunday, September 12, 2021

God's Work through change


Prayer Journal – To begin your daily worship today, grab a pen and paper and write out a prayer to God. Give thanks to God for all that He gives. And then finish with supplication – with your prayer requests to God. When you are done, tuck this away somewhere (so you can read it later and see how God has answered your prayers) and then move into hearing from God through His Word.


Psalm 16


Life, a Maze of Choices

by Elaine Pierce

Have you ever walked through a corn maze and wondered how on earth you were going to find your way out? My grandsons and I would have been completely lost if their dad, my son, hadn't downloaded the map on his phone before we enter the maze. The corn was tall - very tall - and there were many paths to choose from. Once we found ourselves doubling back and ending up at the same place we had been just minutes before. Theo, my almost-6-year-old grandson, asked after about 20 minutes of corn maze wandering, if we were lost: "I want to get out of here!" 

His dad assured him that we would find our way. And, after a few more dead ends, we saw the exit ahead, where their mom was patiently waiting for us to emerge.

We had the map, so even though we made a few mistakes, we found our way out of the corn field and back to the open field and the sunshine. My grandsons were never truly afraid of being lost, because they knew their dad would get them out safely.

In Psalm 16, David asks God to keep him safe. He has enemies all around him, but he is confident that God will protect him. He says in verse 11, "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." Sometimes we may feel like we're in a corn maze and we will never find the path home. The twists and turns seem never-ending. How will I ever get out of this mess I find myself in? When all I see is the corn all around me, I fail to consult the map and find the way forward.  

God has a plan, a good plan, a plan to give you a delightful inheritance. He wants you to trust him, and he will fill you with joy. David says that he praises the Lord and he knows that because the Lord is at his right hand, he will not be shaken (v. 8). Claim that promise today and every day. Allow God to show you the path of life. He is a good God. He is worthy of your trust.  

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