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Friday, October 8, 2010

Matthew 25:14-30

Want to go on a treasure hunt? When I read a parable I am on a search. Jesus challenges me with hidden messages. I dig through clues to discover new insights into living life as a Christian.

Jesus tells a story of a master who gives each of his servants some talents. He expects them to invest the money to make a profit for him. The obedient servants take a risk with the money and bring additional cash to their master. The master shows his appreciation by allowing them to have greater responsibilities and share in his happiness.

The third servant makes no effort to honor his master. The money is hidden in the ground. The only work he does is digging the money up to return to his master. The master, irritated by the laziness and disobedience of his servant, says, “…throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (v 30)

Jesus' message is: We are expected to work hard using what God gives us for the benefit of His Kingdom. Our life will be worth nothing if we live it only for ourselves. We make an investment in eternity when we step out and join Him in His work.

Has God given you something to invest that is similar to the talents handed to the servants? Are you doing something that benefits His Kingdom? This is what God expects of lives lived for Christ.

Read today's text, Matthew 25:14-30, on Biblegateway.

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