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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day of Judgment - Matthew 25:31-46

As I was reading the text for today I was surprised to read in a commentary, "If Christians who have resources, would help needy fellow Christians, non-Christians would be totally persuaded of the reality of Christian love."  I guess my surprise stemmed from the fact I was looking at giving and serving in a totally different light.  For some reason I equated helping the needy with helping the non-believer, but this makes so much more sense.

There is a song I remember singing with the line, "They will know we are Christians by our love."  The basis of our judgment will be how we cared for and loved God's people.  Jesus wants to invite us to join Him in Heaven, but if we don't know Him, we can't expect to receive an invitation.  It seems a key phase is God's people, for aren't we all His people?  Doesn't He want a relationship with each of us?

Giving of our time and our gifts to others, serves God.  Sharing our 'things' with others, serves God.  Touching the lives of others, serves God.  These all build our relationship with one another and with God.  Our generosity with God's people will result in God's generosity with us.  He will know we are Christian, followers of His Son, by our love.  We will hear the words, "Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world." (Matthew 25:34)

To read the complete text for today click here .  To return to this posting hit the back arrow.

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