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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Revelation 3:14-22 - To a Wealthy Church in Laodicea

Have you ever been thirsty? You take a swallow of what you think is ice-cold water; instead you end up with a mouthful of lukewarm water? When that happened to me, I wanted to spit it out.

Christ is about to spit out the Church of Laodicea for their lukewarm faith. Christ looks at the works of the Church and doesn’t like what He sees. The members claim to be Christian, yet what they do and how they live doesn’t reflect true faith. They are more excited and on fire about their accumulated riches. They are neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm.

Christ tells the church He wants totally committed hearts or none at all. He tells them what they need to do, “Up on your feet, then! About face! Run after God!” (v 19b The Message)

Christ is looking at you and me as individuals and as part of the church body. Are we showing lukewarm faith, or are we on fire? Are we indifferent and uncommitted or excited and enthusiastic? Is Christ reprimanding us or praising us?

Christ is knocking at our door. He wants to generously pour out His grace on us. He wants us absolutely committed to Him.

When our faith is expressed through a commitment to glorify God, prayer and worship become more meaningful. God's love is more real and our faith comes alive in our hearts. Without thinking, we use what God has given us to bless others and are blessed in return. Isn’t this the faith God wants to see?

Read today's text, Revelation 3:14-22, on Biblegateway. Use the back arrow to return to this page.

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