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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Don't Worry, Go Fishing -- Matthew 6:25-34

We probably all know a worrier, someone who will fret about anything. Sometimes we believe the more we worry about something, the better the situation turns out, so we deliberately worry to avoid a bad situation. As individuals who practice this we recognize anticipation will far out-weigh the reality. We don't realize how much time and joy is missed because of this practice.

God warns against the fruitlessness of worry with the words, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matthew 6:27) We know that worry may damage your health, but most important, it reduces our ability to trust in God. I have heard it said that worry is unbelief.

Dear God, help me to recognize my tendency to try to fix a situation by worrying about it, is not helpful. Remind me to turn all of my concerns over to, giving them up in faith. Reveal to me the joy I will gain when I don't waste precious time attempting to handle your business. Give me the courage to pray about it and go fishing. Amen.

Read the entire text for today at Biblegateway Matthew 6:25-34

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