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Thursday, May 13, 2010

I Don't Always Understand Why-- Matthew 5:38-42

As a child I sought Justice. If a friend was wronged, I would come to their aide. I remember one particular time feeling helpless because my friend kept having items stolen from her desk. We were not in the same class and I couldn’t help her.

Encouraging Allison to tell her parents, I was anxious to hear their solution. I was confused when Allison’s parents bought the crooked classmate the exact items she had stolen, instructing their daughter to leave the items on the pilferer’s desk with a note.

I thought you might like some new crayons. These are for you.

How was this going to solve anything? Justice wasn’t served. Before the end of the school year Michelle and Allison became friends, and Michelle stopped stealing. I didn’t understand why Allison’s parents responded the way they did, but I remember how Allison trusted her parents and did what they asked.
Jesus says in Matthew, "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.

I trust you and chose today to follow your command to serve my enemy, so they might come to know you. I don’t always understand why, but I know you do. Help me do your will.

Matthew 5: 38-42

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