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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just a Fluke -- Acts 9:36-43

How many times has this happened to you? The phone rings, you answer and discover the person on the line is someone you were just thinking about. Coincidence, perhaps, but I have heard a definition of coincidence as a God-incidence. There are a number of web sites about God-incidences with interesting stories.

How often do I have to experience a mysterious coincidence before I start to understand that I am not traveling this world alone? What will it take for me to believe there is a God, who has it all under control; who has a mighty plan for my life?

Was it a coincidence Peter just happened to be in nearby Lydda when Dorcas a faithful disciple, died? Was it chance the disciples learned of this and sent word asking Peter to come to Joppa? Was it luck when he came, prayed, commanded Dorcas to “get up”, and she opened her eyes? The fact is this was all part of a greater plan when, “This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord.” (Acts 9:42)

Dear God,

Open my heart, clear my vision and expand my understanding. Help me to see you working behind the scenes of my life and give you the glory every day. Amen

Read Scripture at Biblegateway Acts 9:36-43

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