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Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Share" Is Not A Four Letter Word, Acts 2:42-47

As I read this passage, I’m struck by two different phrases. Verse forty-two says, “They devoted themselves…”and verse forty-four says, “All the believers were together and had everything in common.” Doesn’t that just give you chills? There is such unity in this passage. The disciples helped each other whatever the need. They had everything in common, or in other words they knew how to share.

I live in Southern California where sharing seems to be a four letter word. We work hard so we can have more stuff. I recently heard someone define greed as, “wanting more of something you already have enough of.” Ouch. I’m sure this is not unique to Southern California; we all need to learn how to share better.

My three year old is at a point in his life where sharing is a major theme each day. He has to be constantly reminded to share. The disciples knew the key to sharing was devotion. They were devoted to each other, but also to learning, and prayer. It is only through the power of God that we will be able to be devoted on this level. Just like a three year old needs their parent constantly reminding them to share, we need God’s constant reminding.

Read the passage on Biblegateway Acts 2:42-47

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