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Monday, May 24, 2010


Society today encourages us to achieve more and more. We tend to believe that our lifestyle, when successful, defines us. Things are important as we feel the need to acquire the latest gadget or sport the newest styles, drive the fastest car. Living an unobtrusive life isn’t an option for many.

Look now to Jesus, the one who truly is above all and is to be considered superior in every way. Jesus lowered himself to be one of us, to take on human form. Reading the scripture selection for today, it is striking how very powerful these words are; a tremendous witness to the world.

Jesus asked John to baptize Him, as he had been baptizing those who were following him. (Matthew 3:13 “Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John.”) John wasn’t prepared for this and he told Jesus that it should be Him baptizing John. Jesus in all humility responded and asked John to do it anyway. (Matthew 3:15 “Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented.”)

Dear God, I want to hear you say the words to me which you said to Your Son, Jesus. I want you to be pleased with me too. Lord show me how to live as Jesus did, with humility and grace. Amen

Read the scripture text for today at Biblegateway Matthew 3:13-17 

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