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Monday, June 21, 2010

Our Illuming Word, Genesis 1:1-5

Words are powerful. They can heal and hurt. Words can make us laugh, by the images they create, when delivered with the right timing and emphasis. My three year old is learning the power of words, He knows that if I put him in time-out and he says, “Evan needs a hug” it tears me up inside.

God used words to create the world and everything in it. He could have just thought everything into being, but he didn’t. God spoke, and the very first thing he created was light. Darkness is scary. Things hide in darkness. Little children fear darkness way before they understand the dangers of it.

God separated light from darkness and saw that the light was good. Light takes away the power darkness holds by illuminating all the hiding places where evil lurks. Light shows us how to stay on the safe path.

We see, with the very first words of scripture, foreshadowing our salvation before sin was even in the picture. Jesus is both the Word of God and our Light in darkness. The answers to life are all right there in Genesis 1. Believe God’s Word, and follow the Light of the World because the Light is good.

Read todays passage on Biblegateway Genesis 1:1-5

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