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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Light of the Gospel -- 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

The message of Christ is He died to pay for our sins and put everyone who believes or trusts in Him in a right relationship with God. Those who come to God through Him will be saved and receive eternal life.

The knowledge of the glory of God comes through knowing Jesus Christ. God will shine into our lives as we get to know Him by knowing His Son. Where can we get to know Jesus? When we read the written Word of God we set our eyes on Jesus and His earthly ministry.

Jesus is the Light of the Gospel. He came as our Savior to rescue us from the darkness of sin.

You have the Light in your heart. Don't hide it. Share the 'good news' that others will know Jesus, the Light of the world. And by knowing Jesus they will come to know God, our loving Father.

Prayer: Loving God, I praise and thank you for showing Your great love for me by sending Your Son, Jesus, to rescue me from my sinful self. I pray the Light that is in my heart will shine through me to others who need to know You. Amen

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